Delicious, healthy snacks delivered to your office

Reform your breakroom with a variety of delicious, healthy options. Start the day off right with breakfast menu options that are fresh and healthy. Keep your staff energized and tackle the workday with daily delivery of fresh deli sandwiches, wraps and salads. Our breakrooms are open for convenience 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We dedicate ourselves to finding high-quality products that people enjoy, all sized for convenience.

A Menu to Meet Every Taste

Provide your employees with a variety of options and create a customized menu. With more options to choose from and healthy snacks that you can actually pick up and read the ingredients, employees are guaranteed to find something they will enjoy. Selections can include healthy, organic options and gluten free menu items. This targeted selection of items will keep your staff satisfied and improve your company’s break room experience.


  • Daily delivery of fresh deli sandwiches, salads, and wraps
  • Breakfast and lunch items available for
  • Variety of options for a customized selection of items
  • Twice the number of options as a traditional vending bank
  • It’s the stuff people actually want in the size that makes sense
  • Healthy, organic, gluten-free items