All This At No Cost to You
Pricing is one of the biggest benefits of partnering with Perks and Provisions. There is no start-up or up-front cost to you! Employees will find healthier, better quality options with comparable pricing to most convenience stores. Treat your employees to the benefit of high-quality menu options with the convenience of an automated check-out process. Partner with us today to boost company morale, provide a simple way to snack better, and give your employees a great place to work.
We offer a variety of custom menus and vending options. Contact us today to get a quote or learn more about our product offerings.
- It is free to employers
- Bring Convenience to life
- Boost in employee morale and work efficiency
- Employees will find comparable pricing to other convenience stores
- Automated mini convenience store
Ready for the best benefit you can provide your employees? Breaks – everyone needs them. We pride ourselves in our high-quality, healthy products and outstanding customer service. It’s our mission to show you a better way to manage the company break room for increased employee satisfaction, healthy snacking options, increase productivity, and add value to your company. Here are some of the features our clients love:
Custom Graphics – Perks can ‘wrap’ your micro market in your company colors, your logos or anything else your team would like. The process is simple and very cost effective.
Various Forms of Payment – Our micro markets are capable of handling almost any payment method including all forms of credit or debit, PayPal, stored value card such as an employee badge, or even Touch ID.
Healthy Options – Nutritional, healthy products such as drinks, snacks, bars and chips. Many companies find value in having standard options with healthy choices to offer employees a various selection.
Refund Bank – If there should be a problem requiring a refund, we’ve got your back. You will have access to a ‘bank’ of change to refund employees should the need arise. Your route salesman will monitor the usage and keep it fully stocked with change.
Energy Efficient Options – Power savings options such as motion sensors will help keep your company on target to reduce energy consumption.